P 21114 A 1962 Grip
This chassi with a Grip bodywork has gone through a major restoration. Kjell was asked to restore the chassi and accepted before he had seen the car... A restoration was allready began but the work was very poor done. Kjell hade to start all over from scratch. The frame was welded, blasted and painted. The front suspension got all new parts and paint. The rearaxle was painted and new brakes, brakehoses and brakecylinders were mounted. The cabin got a new dashboard, new floor and some other new metalreplacement. Much of these metal shapes were handmade by Kjell. Finally all joints were fixed with tin. The colour is Volvo lorry-green together with black fenders. In 1989, after 7 years of work, the pickup was ready to hit the road! The story tells that the car was abandoned in a childrens sandbox for 10 years before restoration... A remarkable work done by Kjell! The pickup has a former life in Kinna community and are now driven in Nol community.
Published 2001-07-11
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