P 44511 1959
Very unsual rear ending of the cabin. It looks like it was to be built as a platform with straight sides in steel ( see P 445 C 1952 Ringborg ). This chassis was reported finished at Volvo the 1:st of september 1958 and delivered the 5:th the same month with destination Odense, Denmark. According to the book of gaurantee it was delivered "ready to drive" the 3:rd of march in 1959. Appearintly it took about half a year to prepare the car. The chassis manufactured after this one also was delivered to Odense, Denmark. At the site, this car , also from Denmark, has a similary design of the cabin.
If you know any details about this car, who made it and through whoms hands it has passed, please make contact. I big thanks to Stefan Ljungberg, Norrköping, Sweden, for his contribution of information about this car.
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