P 445 A 1949 ASJ
This is commercial chassis #1! AB Svenska Järnvägsverkstäder ( ASJ ) manufactured this delivery van on the first chassis that later on came to be a part of the Volvo commercial accordning what to build on the chassis. The 3:rd of January in 1950 the car came in the possess of Volvo. It stayed there until 1958 when Göteborgs Kyrkliga Stadsmission took over. Through a privat owner the car landed at AB Ove Odestedt in 1961. The scrapyard company put the car to rest in December the 30:th that same year.
Some of the pictures show the car in front of the Directors Villa at Trädgårdsföreningen in Gothenburg. The colouring of the head picture is performed by Göran Blomqvist in the swedish Volvo PV-club. The house from the head picture is shown in one of the pictures as it looks today. Thanks to Dan Jansson for pictures and information.
Published 2003-12-27
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