P 44511 1960 Ole Sommers
A sedan built on a commercial chassis that is shortened and lowered. In the picture showing the building of the coupé, you can see a bit of the frame through the opening between the front wheel and the fender. Ole Sommers, Volvo dealer in Copenhagen, made this home built copué in the discontinuance of the P 1900. The engine has been moved back and there's parts from Volvo P 121 used, for example the front window that's a back window fetched from a Volvo P 121. The car is named Volvo Special. When the P 1800 hit the market, it filled the gap after the P 1900 and the Special was put away. See the Ole Sommers Volvo Special at his museum in Copenhagen. A great thanks to Sven Wahls who has contributed with pictures and information. A thanks also to Ole Sommers.
Published 2006-10-06
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