P 445 L 1957 Ringborg
A nice decorated hearse from the small L-seriel. The car had had 5 owners before the current owner got his hands on it. The chassis was driven in the fancy neighbourhood of Djursholm in Stockholm as new. For sure there has been some deliveries of high society members. When retiring the car was given to the Skokloster museum of cars as a gift. The present owner bought the car from Söderhamn and ment to drive the vehicle to the westcoast in the winter! When approaching Gävle a heavy snowfall put the trip on hold for a week before the journey could proceed. Regarding the first home of the car the present owner believed it to have been made by Nordbergs in Stockholm. The looks though is very similar to the ones made by Ringborgs in Norrköping. See an original picture of a hearse from Ringborg under Ringborg, Norrköping.
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