P 445 A 1950 Klippan
Nice touch! One of few A-chassis still running, this one with a stakebed ending where the frame does. Wouldn't be all wrong to be in this cabin with the wiew of a center speedometer and two glove compartments. The car was delivered by Ernst Nilsson in Stockholm to Fjäderfabriken Spiros in Bromma. This was in january 1951. Ernst Nilsson hired Klippan and Valbo to manufacture their desired bodywork on the PV 445-chassis. The cars were painted in Arabian Grey and Chevrolet green. The cabin of this pickup is upholstered with plywood and the seats has beige manchester. You could get seats in red false leather that was combined with red rims. This pickup has also been owned by Hallstavik paintshop and by Volvo in Norrtälje where it did duty as service car.
Published 2001-12-15
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